Rubber Board


    In News

    • Recently, the 182nd meeting of the Rubber Board was held in Kottayam. 

    About Rubber Board 

    • The Rubber Board is a statutory body constituted under the Rubber Act 1947, for the overall development of the rubber industry in the country.
    • The Board has a Chairman appointed by the Central Government.
    • The Executive Director who is the administrative head of the Board exercises control over all the Departments/Divisions. 


    •  Undertaking, assisting or encouraging scientific, technological or economic research.
    • Training students in improved methods of planting, cultivation, manuring and spraying.
    • The supply of technical advice to rubber growers
    • Improving the marketing of rubber.
    • The collection of statistics from owners of estates, dealers and manufacturers.
    • Securing better working conditions and the provision and improvement of amenities and incentives to workers.
    • Carrying out any other duties which may be vested with the Board as per rules made under this Act.


    • To advise the Central Government on all matters relating to the development of the rubber industry, including the import and export of rubber.
    • To advise the Central Government with regard to participation in any international conference or scheme relating to rubber.
    • To submit to the Central Government and such other authorities as may be prescribed, half yearly reports on its activities and the working of this Act. 
    • To prepare and furnish such other reports relating to the rubber industry as may be required by the Central Government from time to time. 

    Do you know? 

    • Commercial cultivation of natural rubber was introduced in India by the British, although the experimental efforts to grow rubber on a commercial scale in India were initiated as early as 1873 at the Botanical Gardens, Calcutta.

    Source: TH