The Hindu


    The Hindu


    Pg No


    Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

    GS 2



    BJP seeks floor test in House, CM makes fresh plea to rebels


    (Polity and Governance)

    What is a floor test ?How is it carried out?Significance and the need for this procedure.

    GS 2


    G7 to cap Russia’s income from oil sales


    (International Relations)

    What are the outcomes of the Group of Seven (G7) summit?know about G7 and its objectives .

    GS 3



    Remembering the ‘Plan Man’ of India 


    What are the contributions made by Prof. Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, the ‘Plan Man’ of India? relationship between Mahalanobis and Rabindranath Tagore,why revisiting the country’s statistical inheritance from P.C. Mahalanobis assumes importance in today’s data-driven world?

    GS 2


    The essence of time


    (Polity and Governance)

    What is the anti-defection law?What Does The Anti Defection Law Entail?Exceptions,What are the issues with Anti Defection Law? And Way Forward

    GS 3


    Bring the shine back on government jobs 


    Know about the present status of  unemployment in India,their impacts ,issues related to job creation and recruitments  ,what are potential sectors available  for job creation? And what more needs to be done in this context?

    GS 2


    China’s interventions in the Horn of Africa 


    The G7 plan to counter the Belt and Road initiative 


    (International Relations)

    What are the recent projects between China and countries from the Horn of Africa?What are China’s primary interests/investments in the Horn of Africa?How are different African states reacting to these developments?


    What is the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII)?What kind of projects will the PGII undertake?How does it compare to China’s BRI?How is it going to enhance development in low and middle income countries?


    GS 3


    GST reform needs a new grand bargain


    What is the Goods and Services Tax (GST)?What is the significance of GST for states?When did the issue of compensation to states arise, and how did it evolve?What should be the ways to handle them?

    GS 3


    Coast Guard squadron in Porbandar


    Learn facts related to Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH)-MkIII squadron


    GS 2


    Rate adjustments loom as GST Council meets first time in ’22


    Know about the GST Council,composition, functions and takeaways from the recent meet .
