A Way Out of the Coal Trap
Syllabus: GS3/ Conservation/Environmental Pollution & Degradation
In Context
- It seems the government is contemplating a ban on setting up new coal-based power stations.
Coal In India
- About:
- Coal is the most important and abundant fossil fuel in India. It accounts for 55% of the country’s energy needs. The country’s industrial heritage was built upon indigenous coal.
- Indian coal offers a unique eco-friendly fuel source to the domestic energy market for the next century and beyond. Hard coal deposits spread over 27 major coalfields, are mainly confined to eastern and south-central parts of the country.
- India is the second-largest coal importer despite having the world’s fourth-largest reserves, and coal powers nearly three-fourths of the country’s electricity demand.
- Coal-based power plants:
- A coal-fired power station or coal power plant is a thermal power station which burns coal to generate electricity.
- They generate about a third of the world’s electricity, but cause many illnesses and the most early deaths, mainly from air pollution.
Ban on coal-based power stations vs power demand
- About the ban:
- The government may need to rethink upon the ban on setting up new coal-based power stations. Although, the plants which are already under construction will be allowed to continue.
- Power demand:
- The government has said that in order to meet the power demand in 2029-30, an additional capacity of about 16,000 MW of coal-based capacity would be required.
- This would be over and above the capacity of about 27,000 MW already under construction.
- The need for additional capacity of 16,900 MW has been cited in the report of the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) called Optimal Generation Capacity Mix, which was released recently.
- Ban and demand mismatch:
- The question is, How are we to meet our demand in 2029-30 if no new coal-based plants are allowed?
- The government probably feels that the additional capacity of about 16,000 MW of coal-based capacity may ultimately not be required, primarily for following reasons.
- The question is, How are we to meet our demand in 2029-30 if no new coal-based plants are allowed?
- Different reports with different demands:
- There are two versions of the report of the Central Electricity Authority (CEA).
- The first was published in January 2020 and the second in April 2023.
- The demand for power in 2029-30 in the second report is based on the 20th Electric Power Survey (EPS) whereas the first report looked at the estimates of the 19th EPS.
- The 19th EPS had projected a peak demand of 340 GW in 2029-30 whereas the figure indicated in the 20th EPS is 334 GW.
- Similarly, the energy demand for the 19th and 20th EPS are 2,400 BUs and 2,313 BUs, respectively.
- There are two versions of the report of the Central Electricity Authority (CEA).
- Perception of the report:
- Historically, CEA’s power demand projections are known to be exaggerated and, perhaps, the government feels the actual demand in 2029-30 could be even lower than the projections in the 20th EPS.
- Changing shape of the load curve:
- The changing shape of the load curve is, perhaps, another reason why the government feels this additional capacity of 16,000 MW may not be required.
- Traditionally, in India, there have been two peaks in a day and the evening peak is usually higher than the morning though there are seasonal variations.
- To meet the evening peak, which used to occur at around 7 pm, we had to rely on coal-based capacity as economically viable storage options were limited.
- However, the evening peak is actually occurring at about 4 pm in the last two to three years.
- This is good news since this peak can be met through solar power and hence, we can lower our need for coal-based capacity.
- There are some indications that the peak time may get further advanced to maybe 2 pm, which could enable us to further cut down the need for coal-based capacity.
- Retirement of units:
- In the second version of the CEA report, the required capacity for coal-based stations in 2029-30 has come down.
- This decrease is on account of the reasons mentioned above and also because of a major change in policy relating to the retirement of units after they complete 25 years.
- This version mentions that about 2,121 MW of coal-based capacity would be retired by 2030 whereas the earlier version of this report stated that about 25,000 MW of coal-based capacity would be retired by 2030.
Suggestions & way ahead
- Continuing with older units:
- Carrying on with generating units that are more than 25 years old is not a bad idea since the station heat rate of well-maintained plants does not get adversely affected with age.
- The advantages of carrying on with old plants are that the transmission links are already there and that the coal linkages are maintained.
- However, such plants should sell their power in exchange instead of signing fresh PPAs.
- Banning new units:
- Renouncing the need for additional coal-based capacity is also a good idea.
- However, we must ensure that we do not miss the targets set for the other sources, especially solar and wind-based capacities.
Daily Mains Question [Q] The government may need to rethink the ban on setting up new coal-based power stations considering the rising power demand. Analyse. |
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