In News
- Recently, Rajya Sabha suspended 19 Opposition members for ‘willfully obstructing the House’.
More about the issue
- Disruptions & Political rivalries:
- Disruption has become the norm, with the Opposition seeking to use the debates as a ploy to gain publicity.
- Representatives of political parties are utilising Parliament more to showcase political spectacle than to use it as a forum for serious legislative functioning.
- Party supporting wrongdoing of members:
- Party members have the support of their parties in breaking the rules, the threat of suspension from the House does not deter them.
- Other issues:
- Resort to money Bill route:
- Several key pieces of legislation have been passed as Money Bills, despite the fact that they did not fit this category.
- Less scrutiny of Bills:
- Most of the bills were passed without any scrutiny, as they were passed in the same session in which they were introduced.
- Frequent Adjournment of Parliament sessions:
- In recent times, Parliament sessions are adjourned frequently. This hampers the work of Parliament.
- Resort to money Bill route:
Role of Presiding Officer in case of disruptions
- The general principle is that it is the role and duty of the Presiding Officer — Speaker of Lok Sabha and Chairman of Rajya Sabha — to maintain order so that the House can function smoothly.
- In order to ensure that proceedings are conducted in the proper manner, the Speaker/ Chairman is empowered to force a Member to withdraw from the House.
- Fall of parliamentary standards:
- Opposition protests and ruling party vindictiveness have resulted in the fall of parliamentary standards.
- Parliamentary discussion is a manifestation of a representative kind of democracy in operation, in the sense that representation of the people directly questions the government on matters of governance.
- Reduced working hours of Parliament:
- The Parliament working hours are getting reduced day by day due to frequent disruptions.
- Erosion of faith in Parliament:
- Disruptions and ineffective functioning lead to a reduction in the trust of people in Parliament.
- Wastage of taxpayers’ money:
- Parliament not functioning to its fullest potential is the blatant wastage of taxpayers’ money.
- Developing an Index:
- A parliamentary disruption index should be created as a measure to monitor disruptions in legislatures and check indiscipline.
- It would also lead to the availability of more time for debate and discussion on issues before the House.
- Prevent disruption of its proceedings:
- There should be more efforts to prevent the disruptions in cases of deliberations on critical national issues.
- It is the only mechanism to ensure that disrupting its proceedings or allowing them to be disrupted ceases to be a viable option.
- Enforcement of a code of conduct for MPs and MLAs:
- There must be strict adherence to the code of conduct for MPs and MLAs so that disruption of proceedings ceases to be an option.
- Modify the Anti-Defection Act:
- Currently, MPs who deviate from their parties’ position earn a fatal whipping and lose their seats.
- There should be modifications to the anti-defection law so that it applies only in cases where the government’s survival is at stake.
- Currently, MPs who deviate from their parties’ position earn a fatal whipping and lose their seats.
- Increase in the working days of Parliament:
- Our legislature should meet throughout the year, like the parliaments of most developed democracies.
- But these increased days will not help prevent disruptions if opposition parties don’t have the opportunity to debate and highlight important issues.
- Our legislature should meet throughout the year, like the parliaments of most developed democracies.
- Accord private member bills more space and respect:
- This will allow a variety of ideas to bubble up from the grassroots.
- Governments will be able to listen to non-mainstream points of view and provide official support whenever appropriate.
- This will enable your MPs to truly become lawmakers.
- Televise parliamentary committee proceedings:
- Bipartisanship and well-researched discussions are often the hallmarks of parliamentary committees.
- Yet this crucial aspect of the parliamentary process is well-hidden from the public.
- Enable “Public Interest Legislation:
- Create a system that will enable MPs to hear the viewpoints of affected citizens and initiate appropriate policy responses.
- Bring Transparency to the Clash of Interests:
- Before legislation is passed, various publics and groups find a way to articulate their viewpoints to key political decision-makers.
- In India, this usually happens behind the scenes.
- Before legislation is passed, various publics and groups find a way to articulate their viewpoints to key political decision-makers.
Way ahead
- An attempt must be made by parliamentarians to tamp down on this hostility with the onus on doing so being more on the ruling party and its representatives.
- There are enough tools, mechanisms, structures and precedents in India’s parliamentary history that can be relied upon by the current set of legislators to bring back useful deliberation.
- Parliamentarians must realise that the bedrock of a functioning democracy is a flourishing legislature.
UK Model of Parliament Working
Mains Practise Question [Q] Disrupting parliamentary proceedings is contempt of the House, can’t be a privilege. Discuss, how Parliament must deal with disruptions? |
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