Audit Bureau of Circulations


    Syllabus: Prelims/ Events of National Importance


    • Srinivasan K. Swamy has been unanimously elected Chairman of the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) for 2023-2024.


    • Riyad Mathew has been elected Deputy Chairman of the Bureau for 2023-2024, while Mohit Jain as  Secretary of the Bureau and Vikram Sakhuja was re-elected as Treasurer of the Bureau.

    Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC)

    • ABC founded in 1948 is a not-for-profit, voluntary organisation consisting of publishers, advertisers and advertising agencies as members. 
    • It does pioneering work in developing audit procedures to certify the circulation figures of publications which are members of ABC.
    • It is a founding member of the International Federation of Audit Bureaux of Certification. 
    • The main function of ABC is to evolve, lay down a standard and uniform audit procedure by which a member publisher shall compute its Qualifying copies.
    • The Bureau issues ABC certificates every six months to those publisher members whose circulation figures conform to the rules and regulations as set out by the Bureau.
    • ABC’s membership today includes 562 Dailies, 107 Weeklies and 50 magazines plus 125 Advertising Agencies, 45 Advertisers & 22 New Agencies and Associations connected with print media and advertising. 
    • An Advertiser would like to know the facts and figures before investing his money in advertising. An Advertiser ought to know how many people buy a publication and in which area. The ABC gives all these vital statistics every six months. 

    Source: TH