In News
- Recently, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has launched three new initiatives for the welfare of ex-servicemen and their families on the occasion of Armed Forces Veterans’ Day.
- Armed Forces Veterans Day, observed each year ever since 2017 on 14th January as a mark of respect and recognition of the services rendered by Field Marshal KM Cariappa OBE – the first Indian Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Armed Forces who retired on 14 Jan 1953.
- He led the Indian Forces to victory in the 1947 war, became the Commander-in-Chief on 15 Jan 1949.
- It is meant to commemorate the selfless devotion and sacrifice of veterans, many of whom laid down their lives in service of the nation and also to salute the indomitable spirit of that personnel who served the Indian Armed Forces with pride and honour.
- The event also serves to strengthen the bond between serving personnel and veterans.
Recent initiatives
- The Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare (DESW) has allotted Rs 320 crore to Armed Forces Flag Day Fund (AFFDF) to clear the backlog of pending applications for welfare schemes especially Education & Marriage grants for widows/dependent children of the veterans.
- Directorate General of Resettlement issued around 7,900 job letters to freshly retired Ex-Servicemen (ESMs) in Government Sector/PSUs/Banks and Private sector during the year from April-December 2021, out of re-employment given to over 22,000 during the same period.
- The DESW also launched a dedicated Raksha Pension Shikayat Nivaran Portal designed to speedily redress pensions, including family pension-related grievances of ESM and their dependents.
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