Light Combat Aircraft (LCA)-Mk2


    In News

    • Recently, the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) sanctioned the development of Light Combat Aircraft (LCA)-Mk2 at a total cost of ?9,000 crore.


    • The LCA-Mk2 will be a heavier and much more capable aircraft than the current LCA variants and the LCA-Mk1A.
    • Features:
      • The Mk2 is 1350 mm longer, featuring canards
      • Enhanced range and endurance, 
      • An Onboard Oxygen Generation System which is being integrated for the first time
      • Ability to carry heavy stand-off weapons of the class of Scalp, Crystal Maze and Spice-2000. 
      • Payload: Can carry a payload of 6,500 kg compared with the 3,500 kg the LCA can carry.
      • The Mk2 will be powered by the General Electric GE-414 engine, which will also power the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA). 
        • A GE-414 produces 98kN thrust compared to 84kN thrust of the GE-404 engine powers the LCA Mk1 and MK1A.
    • Expected Timeline:
      • The roll out of LCA-Mk2 is planned by 2024.
      • The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is setting a target to complete flight testing by 2027. 

    Light Combat Aircrafts (LCA) ‘Tejas’ Mk-1A

    • LCA Tejas Mk 1A is an advanced version of LCA Mk1.
    • It is a supersonic fighter at all altitudes for air combat which can carry a payload of 3,500 kg and it is best suited for offensive air support.
    • The MK-1A will have over 40 modifications over the MK1 variant including some major ones like a new Electronic Warfare system, Advanced Electronically Scanning Array (AESA) radar, Beyond Visual Range (BVR) missiles and network warfare system including Software Defined Radio (SDR).
    • As per schedule, HAL is expected to deliver the first three Mk1A aircraft in 2024 and 16 aircraft per year for subsequent five years.

    Source: TH