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International Relations

Abraham Accords

Abraham Accords

Thanks to the great courage of the leaders of these three countries, we take a major stride toward a future in which people of all faiths and backgrounds live together in peace and prosperity.
israel-palestine conflict

Israel-Palestine Conflict

This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the topic details “Israel Palestine Conflict”.

India-UK FTA: Trade Relations, Challenges, Advantages, & How to Promote

As India-UK is close to concluding negotiations for a proposed India-UK FTA, chief negotiators of both countries will hold the 12th round
India-France Relations

India-France Relations: Key Areas of Cooperation, Challenges & Way Forward

India-France has been strategic partners in the Indo-Pacific for a long time.
India-Nepal Relations

India-Nepal Relations & Challenges

There are frequent high-level visits and interactions between the leaders of India-Nepal.
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO): History, Significance & Challenges

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation is an organization that focuses on political, economic, international security, and defense matters in Eurasia.

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