Capital Market

Capital Market: Meaning, Structure, Instruments, Roles & More

The Capital Market, as a crucial segment of the financial market, is integral for channeling capital between investors and borrowers. .

Payment Banks: Meaning, Features & More

Payment Banks have emerged as a transformative idea in India's banking landscape. By offering accessible, affordable, and secure banking services, they are promoting the cause of financial inclusion. This article aims...
Sovereign Credit Rating

Sovereign Credit Rating: Key Points, Determinants & Criticism

A sovereign credit rating is an independent evaluation that determines the creditworthiness of a country or a sovereign entity.
Banking System in India

Banking System in India: Structure, Types & More

Banking System in India or Indian Banking System is the cornerstone of the nation's economic framework..

Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme: Objectives, Benefits & Issues

The Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme was launched in March 2020 to boost Indian manufacturing.
Gig Economy

Gig Economy: Advantages, Challenges & Driving Factors

The gig economy refers to an economic system characterized by flexible work arrangements, where labor and resources are exchanged through digital platforms that facilitate connections between buyers and sellers.
Nationalisation of Banks in India

Nationalisation of Banks in India

The nationalisation of banks in India was a transformative event that redefined the Indian banking landscape. Though it brought several benefits, it also faces some criticisms. This article aims to study...
Differentiated Banks in India

Differentiated Banks in India: Meaning, Types & Significance

Differentiated Banks in India, such as Payment Banks and Small Finance Banks (SFBs), have emerged as pivotal components in the evolving narrative of Indian finance.

World Food Day – Strike to Hunger

October 16, deal with the celebration of the World Food Day which emphasis on the furtherance of food security all over the world.
Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Goods and Services Tax (GST): Evolution, Features, Benefits & More

The introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) is one of the most significant reforms in the country's indirect tax structure since independence.

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