Indian Express


    Indian Express


    Pg No 


    Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

    GS 2



    Global Alarm: WHO calls new strain a Variant of Concern


    What we know about the Omicron variant of Covid-19 so far


    What’s different about the Omicron variant of Covid-19? Are the symptoms different? What precautions should one take? What has the WHO said?

    GS 2


    Over 50% Bihar poor in the new index based on health, education, the standard of living


    Is the husband justified in beating the wife? Survey has telling responses





    What are the major findings of the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) prepared by government think tank Niti Aayog? its objectives and methodology used by it 


    Key takeaways from the latest National Family Health Survey, what are issues highlighted by it, key analysis and way forward

    GS 2

    6 &


    On Constitution Day, CJI Ramana flags ‘increasing’ attacks on judges

    The day India was born 

    (Constitution )

    Learn key facts related to Constitution Day and major Provisions  and features of the Constitution 


    GS 2


    Ensure inclusive Afghan government: RIC nations 



    Know about Russia, India and China (RIC) grouping, objectives, the relevance of ensuring  humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people without hindrance or politicisation, 

    GS 3





    Key highlights of the draft legislation on cryptocurrency, what is the stance of the RBI, What are Cryptocurrencies? pros and cons 

    GS 1 &2



    The buddha circuit 


    Significance of inaugurating  the Kushinagar International Airport in eastern Uttar Pradesh to facilitate foreign tourists and Buddhist pilgrims to reach the important site of the Mahaparinirvana Temple, How Buddhist pilgrimage centres can help India leverage its soft power, know about Buddhist religious and cultural legacy between Buddhism’s holy land India, and her seven Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) partner nations 

    GS 3


    How climate change causes ‘divorce’ among albatrosses



    Know about albatrosses, the population of albatrosses, How exactly can a changing environment cause these birds to split up? A recent study in this context 

    GS 3


    The importance of Jewar airport, why it is needed and the areas it will serve


    Know about  Jewar airport, The requirement and importance 


    GS 2


    What defection of 12 Meghalaya MLAs means for Congress & Trinamool

    (Polity and Governance)

    About Anti-Defection Act, Issues Related to Anti-Defection Law and Way Forward
