Indian Express


    Indian Express


    Pg No 


    Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

    GS 2




    Emergency a black spot on vibrant history of India’s democracy: PM Modi

    Who are the G7, whose Summit in Germany India has been invited to?


    (International Relations )

    What are key takeaways from the recent G7 Summit?know about G 7  and its objectives .

    GS 2


    A lesson from Maharashtra 

    (Polity and Governance)

    What is the anti-defection law, and what is its purpose?What constitutes defection? Who is the deciding authority?How long does it take for deciding cases of defection?Has the anti-defection law ensured the stability of governments?Have any suggestions been made to improve the law?

    GS 2


    Balancing on Bricks 

    (International Relations )


    Know about the outcomes of the BRICS summit and future prospects .

    GS 2


    West steps back ,India shows way 

    (Polity and Governance)

    Know about the Indian laws on abortions ,compare  them with other countries ,How has the MTP Act evolved from 1971

    to 2021?What is the MTP (Amendment) Act,

    2021?Have there been judicial interventions

    in cases of abortions?What are the criticisms against the

    abortion law? And what lies ahead ?

    GS 3


    Avoiding a GST exit 


    Objectives and need of GST,Overview of GST ,Salient Features of GST,Achievements,Shortcomings /Challenges ,Conclusion & Way Forward

    GS 2



    Why sanctions are flagging


    (International Relations )

    What is the impact of  The Western sanctions on Russia?Has the West’s intent been borne out by reality?Why do the sanctions appear not to have had the desired effect?Have China and India had a role to play in this situation?Does this mean sanctions targeting Russia have ended up hurting the West?