The Hindu


    The Hindu


    Pg No


    Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

    GS 1


    Very severe cyclone Yaas to hit north Odisha coast


    Know about the upcoming cyclone Yaas. What are cyclones, causes and favourable conditions for occurrence, impacts, mitigation and management and the naming system?

    GS 2


    India to push for WHO, EU approval for Covaxin


    India’s efforts for getting Covaxin on WHO’s Emergency Use List (EUL) and clearances the EU’s European Medicines Agency (EMA). Know about the EUL and EMA.

    GS 3


    Guarantor beware


    Know about the Supreme Court’s recent decision to uphold the government notification allowing creditors to move against personal guarantors under the Indian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Code (IBC).

    GS 2


    Another challenge


    Mucormycosis, causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention and care. Relatively more severe impact on diabetes patients and the need for diabetics to get vaccination.

    GS 3


    Recalibrate growth, reprioritise expenditures


    Deflating India’s COVID black market boom


    Second wave of Covid-19 pandemic in India and its adverse impact on every sector, especially economy. Suggestions for recovery like protecting total expenditures at the budgeted level and mass vaccination. Also know about the problem of blackmarketing of Covid-19 related supplies and suggestions to stop it.

    GS 3


    The many benefits of an eco tax

    (Biodiversity and Environment)

    Sustained health financing in India and environmental tax a part of it. What are the needed reforms in the eco tax, implementation, benefits, concerns highlighted and a way forward.

    GS 2


    WhatsApp and its dubious claims

    (Polity and Governance)

    WhatsApp’s new privacy policy and its possible impacts on the users in India. Know about data protection laws in India especially IT Rules, 2011. Other related concerns and suggestions.

    GS 3


    INS Jalashwa brings oxygen to Vizag


    Know about the Indian Navy’s INS Jalashwa and INS Trikand.

    GS 1


    Volcano eruption in Congo: Army lends hand


    The active volcano, Mount Nyiragongo in Congo. Know about volcanoes, formation, structure, eruption and its impacts.

    GS 2


    Single dose only 33% effective against B.1.617.2: U.K.


    Know about a UK study on the effectiveness of Covishield against B.1.617.2. Findings of the study and significance for India.

    GS 2


    U.K. to unveil plans for ‘digital border’

    (International Relations)

    Britain to announce plans for a fully digital border, including the introduction of US style Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) to pre-check travellers.

    GS 2


    No access to images of our nuclear sites: Iran

    (International Relations)

    Know about the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and Iran’s Additional Protocol with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).