Indian Express


    Indian Express


    Pg No 


    Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

    GS 3



    Income of poorest fifth plunged 53% in 5 yrs; those at top surged

    (Economy )

    Key findings of the latest round of ICE360 Survey 2021 and its implications on the indian economy 

    GS 1


    Correcting mistakes of past:PM on Boss statue

    (Personalities )

    About the hologram statue of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and what are the contributions made by him?

    GS 2


    Why bandari community is significant in goa is elections 


    Who are the Bhandari’s? How much of Goa’s population do they account for?

    GS 2


    GS 1




    The India shadow 

    (IR )


    Not merely a laughing matter 


    (Personalities )

    Major highlights of the first-ever National Security Policy (NSP) of Pakistan, how it affect India Pakistan relations, key analysis and what lies ahead?


    Learn facts related to Narayan Debnath and his various works 

    GS 2


      A prison diary from tihar


    Unease  of doing business 

    (Governance) )


    The conditions within prisons, what are various issues faced by   prisoners,   Causes & Concerns, Suggestions 


    Why is the Personal Data Protection Bill bad news for businesses? Its features and objectives, criticism and way ahead 

    GS 3




    Reining in the subsidy bill




    What is the status of government expenditures on subsidies? focused areas and what more needs to be done in this context?

    GS 3




    Buoyant exports but unfavourable trade balance: Why there is a dichotomy



    How have Indian exporters performed in FY22? How have India’s imports grown and what is the impact on the current account deficit? What are key developments in Indian trade?