Indian Express


    Indian Express


    Pg No 


    Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

    GS 2



    Shah: Good governance should build trust between govt, people

    (Polity and Governance)

    What is Good governance?Challenges in Good Governance, Various Initiatives of Government,Suggestion and Conclusion 

    GS 3


    China lifts block, UNSC lists LeT’s Makki as a terrorist

    (Internal Security)

    Know about UNSC’s 1267 Sanctions Committee

    GS 3



    First batch of AK-203 assault rifles made in Amethi, deliveries to Army soon


    Learn facts related to AK-203 Kalashnikov assault rifles and relevance of joint venture between India and Russia

    GS 2


    India and New Eurasia 

    (International Relations)

    What are the implications of the Sino-Russian alliance and the Ukraine war for Asian security? What is the idea of Eurasia? How do the new dynamics present challenges as well as opportunities for India?

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    Fox in the hen house 

    (Polity and Governance)


    Why is there friction between the Centre and Supreme Court Collegium over the appointment of judges? Impacts, issues, and way ahead 


    GS 3


    Row over COP 28 president 


    What do COP presidents do, and what influence do they have on outcomes?

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    China population declines: How India situation is different 

    (Population and Associated Issues)

    Why does China’s population shrink? And How India’s situation is different, and possibly better


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    Why has RBI warned states against old pension scheme?


    What did RBI say about the old pension scheme?Why are more states going for OPS?Old pension scheme vs NPS