Indian Express


    Indian Express


    Pg No 


    Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

    GS 2

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    Laws repealed, farmers end protest after a letter from Govt: ‘Historic win’


    Beyond the Barricades


    About the Union government’s recent step to the repeal of the three farm laws, what are key provisions of 3 Farmers Bills and The Controversies Surrounding them, why there is a need for “Reforms” in agriculture, what are the initiatives taken in this context?


    GS 2


    NIPER Bill passed, ‘national importance’ tag for 6 pharma institutes


    Major highlights of the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (Amendment) Bill, its objectives and need 

    GS 3


    Wealth of Nations 


    Why rising income inequality is the cause of concern, its major causes, issues and impacts, the latest World Inequality Report in this context.


    GS 2


    End the impunity 


    Majority in Jail



    Why the clamour for revocation of the draconian Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) grows strident from the Nagaland, About the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), Provisions, Significance, Criticism, Way Forward.


    Major findings of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reports, what are the issues highlighted by it, key analysis and way forward 

    GS 3


    Centre revises guidelines for procurement of coarse grain


    ( Economy)

    Objectives behind revising guidelines for procurement, allocation, distribution and disposal of coarse grains and their expected implications 

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    The rich -poor gap in india 


    Key findings of the World Inequality Report, Global, regional trends, findings for India, Pandemic impact, Other key inequalities, key analysis and way forward 


    GS 3


    Consumer confidence up; low perception on jobs, economy



    Know about The current situation index (CSI), major takeaways from the RBI’s consumer confidence survey