The Hindu


    The Hindu


    Pg No


    Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

    GS 2



    BJP nominee elected Speaker in Maharashtra; trust vote today

    (Polity and Governance)

    Know about the Constitutional Provisions related to the Governor in calling for a Floor Test,How is it carried out?Significance and the need for this procedure.

    GS 1


    Celebrating the unknown and the unsung 


    Know about Alluri Sitarama Raju and Rampa Rebellion.


    GS 2



    Technology is no panacea for custodial deaths 


    What is custodial death and why is it a blot on the policing system? What technological solutions are available to help prevent custodial deaths?concern about AI or robot interrogations, both legally and ethically,relevance of  formulation of a multi-pronged strategy by the decision-makers encompassing legal enactments, technology, accountability, training and community relations? What more needs to be done in this context ?

    GS 3


    Dogged by inflation


    What are the findings of  recent sets of macro-economic data — the Government’s Index of Eight Core Industries for May, and S&P Global’s survey-based Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI)?and suggestions .

    GS 2


    Why is defection a non-issue for voters?

    (Polity and Governance)

    Why do many legislators and parliamentarians defect to other parties ?repucisons linked to it ,What are  several attempts by various governments at different points of time to strengthen laws to curb this menace in politics,key analysis and way forward .

    GS 3


    We need an urgent national plan on electrical safety 



    What are the reasons to be proud of the growth of the Indian power sector since independence.? Problems faced by the sector ,status of  implementation of the current safety regulatory regime  and what more needs to be done ?

    GS 2


    Strains on India-Russia defence cooperation 

    (International Relations)

    What is the status of India-Russia defence cooperation?

    What is the status of deals underway/new deals pending with Russia?What is the status of payments? And what lies ahead ?


    GS 2


    The functioning of the National Investigation Agency 

    (Polity and Governance)

    What is the NIA?When did the NIA come into being?What are the scheduled offences?How wide is the NIA’s jurisdiction?How does the NIA take up a probe?

    GS 2


    Beyond male and female, the right to humanity

    (Polity and Governance)

    Know about  Supreme Court’s  judgement recognising the

    rights of transgendered persons,far ­reaching

    Implications ,key analysis and way forward 


    GS 2


    Indians can get ?10 lakh from relatives abroad

    (Polity and Governance)

    Know about the Union Home Ministry decision to amend certain rules related to the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA), allowing Indians to receive up to ?10 lakh in a year from relatives staying abroad without informing the authorities,rationale behind the move and implications .

    GS 2


    Not only to Bengal, Centre owes MGNREGS funds to many other States too

    (Welfare Schemes)

    What are recently highlighted issues linked to Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGA)? And what should be done to handle them?

    GS 3


    GST decision upsets dairy farmers


    Know about major decisions of the GST Council in its 47th Meeting and their implications .

    GS 3 


    Targeting GI tag, Mayurbhanj’s superfood ‘ant chutney’ to find more tables

    (Science and Technology )

    Learn facts related to Kai Chutney ,what is Geographical Indication (GI) Tag? And Importance of GI Tag.
