Indian Express


    Indian Express


    Pg No 


    Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

    GS 2




    Panel calls for boosting protein, nutrients in government meal programmes

    (Polity and Governance)

    How the Covid-19 pandemic “aggravated the silent crisis” of undernutrition in India?A report of the inter-ministerial committee  and its recommendations .

    GS 3 


    The new energy disorder


    How has the Ukraine war disrupted the old energy order?What might be the medium to longer-term implications on India ?Other challenges with India’s energy security? Suggest ways to handle them .

    GS 3


    High cost of agri trade bans 


    Why did the  government ban wheat exports?Will this help tame inflation at home?response of the other countries ,how will affect india’s relations with other countries ,key analysis and way forward 

    GS 3


    What GST rate  changes mean 


    What have been the changes announced by the GST Council?Why have the rate changes been undertaken?What has been the drop in Revenue Neutral Rate and what is the revenue position?What will be the impact on consumers?

    GS 3


    India’s largest floating solar plant ,why it is significant 


    Eco Sensitive Zones :what centre wants ,why kerala is seeing protests 

    (Environment )

    What are floating solar plants?How are these panels kept floating?How is the project unique?How does it help the environment? And Future expansions


     Know about the ESZ idea and its evolution,Know about the directive of the Supreme Court for setting up buffer or eco-sensitive zones (ESZ) for all protected forests in the country,Implications for Kerala and what lies ahead ?



    Pan African flag

    (Miscellaneous )

    What does a Pan-African flag represent? And How has it been used since its creation?