Headlines of the day 03-08-2023





    Key points to know

    Jeddah: Hope for peace in Ukraine?

    The Hindu: (Page 8)

    Places in news 


    • Has the time for effective peace negotiations on Russia-Ukraine come?
    • What is the peace plan proposed by China?


    The Hindu:

    (Page 9)

    Art and Culture

    • What is the significance of Aadiperukku?

    Rajya Sabha passes three Bills in the absence of Opposition

    The Hindu:

    (Page 11)

    Polity and Governance

    • What are the recent three bills passed by the Rajya Sabha? Their key features

    Centre launches Vivad se Vishwas 2.0 scheme

    The Hindu: (Page 14)  


    • What are the key features of the Vivad se Vishwas 2.0 scheme? 

    India passes law allowing auction, mining of lithium reserves

    The Hindu: (Page 14)  

    Polity and Governance/ Economy

    • India passes the law allowing auction, mining of lithium reserves. What will be its impact?

    GST Council keeps 28% levy on online gaming, casinos, horse racing

    Indian Express: 

    (Page 1)


    • What are the key outcomes of the 51st Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council Meeting?

    Good Manufacturing Practices

    Indian Express: 

    (Page 1)


    • What is World Health Organisation-Good Manufacturing Practices (WHO-GMP) certification?
    • Its Significance

    Article 370

    Indian Express: (Page12)

    Polity and Governance

    • What are the constitutional challenges to the 2019 abrogation of Article 370?

    ‘UNMESHA’ and ‘UTKARSH’ festivals


    Art and Culture

    • ‘UNMESHA’ and ‘UTKARSH’ festivals. Their Significance

    Ayush (AY) visa


    Polity and Governance

    • What is Ayush (AY) visa?

    PEHCHAN scheme 


    Welfare Schemes/ Economy

    • What is the PEHCHAN scheme? 
    • What are its aims and objectives?

    Kanya Shiksha Pravesh Utsav campaign


    Welfare Schemes

    • What are the key objectives of Kanya Shiksha Pravesh Utsav campaign?