Headlines of the Day 02-1-2024


    PIB, The Hindu, Indian Express, Mint, AIR

    HeadlineSourceSyllabusKey points to know
    XPoSat in orbit; to study black holes, neutron starsThe Hindu: (Page1)
    Indian Express (Page 8)
    Space (GSIII)– What is the XPoSat mission?
    – Its objectives and significance
    Hattees get ST tagThe Hindu: (Page3)Polity and Governance (GSII)– Who are Hattees?
    – How are Scheduled Tribes declared?
    Warli tribeThe Hindu: (Page4)Society (GSI)– Who are the Warli tribes?
    – Key facts related to them
    India-Korea defence cooperationThe Hindu: (Page 6)
    IR (GSII)– What is the strategic importance of South Korea for India?
    – What are the key areas of cooperation between the two nations?
    Attacks in the Red Sea by the Houthis may hit India’s oil tradeThe Hindu: (Page 7)
    Indian Express (Page 11)
    IR (GSII) / Economy (GSIII) 

    – Why is the Red Sea under attack?
    – Its impact for India
    India’s 1991 crisis and the RBI Governor’s roleThe Hindu: (Page 8)Economy (GSIII)

    – What are the roles and responsibilities of the RBI Governor?
    – Role played during India’s 1991 crisis
    Financial Intelligence Unit IndiaThe Hindu: (Page 8)Economy (GSIII)– What is the Financial Intelligence Unit – India (FIU-IND)?
    – Its workings
    Radiocarbon dating The Hindu: (Page 9)S&T (GSIII)– What is radiocarbon dating? 
    – How radiocarbon dating revolutionised science?
    Collegium systemIndian Express (Page 9)Polity and Governance (GSII)– What is the Collegium system?
    – Its significance, criticism and the forward
    Govt extends PLI scheme for auto sector by a year Indian Express (Page 11)Economy (GSIII) 
    – What is the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme?
    – Its objectives 
    Operation Prosperity GuardianIndian Express (Page 12)IR (GSII) – What is the Operation Prosperity Guardian?
    – Key facts related to it
    Electoral Bonds AirGovernance (GSII)– What are the Electoral Bonds?
    – Its significance, criticism and the way forward
    India and Pak. exchange list of nuclear installationsThe Hindu: (Page 10)IR (GSII)– Why do India-Pakistan exchange lists of nuclear sites?
    – Its significance
    Case-by-case exemption from new MGNREGS payment system: CentreThe Hindu: (Page 11)

    Polity and Governance (GSII)– What is MGNREGS?
    – Its objectives and the Ministry related to it
    psychoanalysis The Hindu: (Page 18)S&T (GSIII)
    – What is psychoanalysis?
    – Its significance
    Minimum support price (MSP) Indian Express (Page 1)Economy (GSIII)– What are Minimum support prices (MSP), and how are they decided?
    How the Northeast was ‘invented’?Indian Express (Page 12)Governance (GSII)– What are the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act and the North-Eastern Council Act?
    North Eastern Handicrafts and Handlooms Development Corporation (NEHHDC)PIBEconomy (GSIII)– What is the North Eastern Handicrafts and Handlooms Development Corporation (NEHHDC)?
    – Its objectives
    Coal production in country has shot up to over 664 million tonnes AirEconomy (GSIII)– What is the importance of Coal for India?
    – Key facts related to it