Daylight Saving Time


    In News

    • Recently Lebanon saw mass Confusion after its government decided to delay DST by a month.


    • Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of turning the clock ahead as warmer weather approaches and back as it becomes colder again.
    • The daylight saving time is followed in over 70 countries on various dates.
    • India does not follow daylight saving time; countries near the Equator do not experience high variations in daytime hours between seasons.
      • However,people of the North east have demanded a separate time zone to make up for the loss of daylight hours due to the longitudinal breadth of India .
    • Effectiveness in Modern world
      • When DST was introduced, more daylight meant  less use of costly artificial light. But modern society uses so many energy-consuming appliances all day long that the amount of energy saved is found negligible.
      • DST also disrupts the rhythm of the body clock or circadian rhythm which decreases the efficiency of the workforce.
