Iron Dome


    In News

    • Recently, according to data from Israeli military diplomats, the Iron Dome air defense system has intercepted over 3,000 projectiles in the last 10 years. 

    What is the Iron Dome?

    • Background:
      • The genesis of the Iron Dome goes back to the 2006 Israeli-Lebanon war, when Hezbollah fired thousands of rockets into Israel. 
      • The Iron Dome was deployed in 2011. 
    • Development:
      • It is developed by Israel Aerospace Industries and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. 
    • Features:
      • It is a short-range, ground-to-air, air defence system that includes a radar and Tamir interceptor missiles that track and neutralise any rockets or missiles.
      • It is used for countering rockets, artillery & mortars (C-RAM) as well as aircraft, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles. 
      • It is capable of being used in all weather conditions, including during the day and night. 

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    What makes it so effective?

    • The Iron Dome has three main systems that work together to provide a shield over the area where it is deployed, handling multiple threats.
    • It has a detection and tracking radar to spot any incoming threats, a battle management and weapon control system (BMC), and a missile firing unit.   

    Other Air Defence Systems

    • S-400 missile system:
      • Missile defence system developed by Russia.
      • Capable of intercepting all missiles (long, medium & short range).
      • Can intercept 5th generation fighter aircrafts, drones, cruise & ballistic missiles.
      • Range: 300-400 kms. 
      • India has S-400 which also caters to the three threats (rockets, missiles and cruise missiles).
    • Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD):
      • American anti-ballistic missile defense system.
      • Designed to shoot down short, medium & intermediate-range ballistic missiles.
      • Range: Greater than 200 km.

    Source: IE