Foundational Literacy and Numeracy report


    In News

    • Recently, Chairman, Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister (EAC-PM) has released The Foundational Literacy and Numeracy report. 


    • This  edition of the report  highlights language as a critical foundational skill and its importance in acquiring early literacy. 
    • It was prepared by the Institute for Competitiveness, India at Harvard Business School.
    • It captures the fundamental concepts children require to become skilled readers and highlights distinct challenges faced in a multilingual environment
    • A section of the report focuses on the numerous initiatives currently implemented at the national and state level for achieving foundational learning goals as outlined in NIPUN. 

    Significance of Report:

    • The report is a benchmark for states and union territories to track their performance in achieving universal foundational learning by 2026-27. 
    • The report’s findings cover multi dimensional factors like the role of nutrition, access to digital technology and language-focused instructional approach.

    NIPUN (National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy) Bharat Scheme:

    • Launched as a part of NEP (National Education Policy) 2020.
    • Aims to cover the learning needs of children in the age group of 3 to 9 years.
    • Focuses on 
      • providing access and retaining children in foundational years of schooling;
      •  teacher capacity building;
      •  development of high quality and diversified Student and Teacher Resources/Learning Materials;
      • tracking the progress of each child in achieving learning outcomes.
    • NIPUN Bharat is implemented by the Department of School Education and Literacy.

    EAC to PM

    •     It is an independent body to advise the government, especially the Prime Minister, on economic and policy-related matters. 
    •  Set up in September 2017 with a term of two years, replacing the erstwhile PMEAC, 
    •  Function & Mandate: 
      • Analysing any issue, economic or otherwise, referred to it by the Prime Minister and advising him thereon. 
      • Addressing issues of macroeconomic importance and presenting views thereon to the Prime Minister”, either on its own or upon reference.
      • Presenting to the PM from time to time reports on “macroeconomic developments and issues with implications for economic policy”.

    Source: PIB