Albino Indian Flapshell Turtle


    In News 

    A mountaineer and an international forest forensic investigator had a chance encounter with the rarely found species of Albino Indian Flapshell turtle in Telangana.

    Image Courtesy:CNN

    About Indian Flapshell turtle 

    • Scientific Name : Lissemys punctata
    • It is one of the most common softshell turtles found in India. 
    • Description : The rare yellow color of the turtle may be due to the lack of a pigment called tyrosine present in high amounts in reptiles
      • A genetic mutation or possible congenital disorder is likely responsible for the lack of tyrosine. 
      • Indian flapshell turtles typically are only 9 to 14 inches (22 centimeters to 35 centimeters) long.
    • Distribution : The Indian flapshell turtle is commonly found in South Asian countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar. 
    • Diet: It is omnivorous and its diet consists of frogs, snails and even some aquatic vegetation
    • Conservation : It is listed under Schedule (I) of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.

    Turtles Types 

    • There are seven species of sea turtle: Green Sea Turtle, Hawksbill Sea Turtle, Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Olive Ridley Sea Turtle, Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle, Leatherback Sea Turtle and Flatback Sea Turtle.
    • There are five species in Indian waters (Leatherback, Loggerhead, Hawksbill, Green and Olive Ridley).
    • The Hawksbill turtle is listed as ‘Critically Endangered’ and Green Turtle is listed as ‘Endangered’ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

    Conservation Plans

    • Smuggling of turtles, one of the Class 1 species of the water animal, is a non-bailable offence under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.
    • Sea Turtle Conservation Programme

    Awareness Programmes

    • Dedicated Action Plan: India has for the first time devised a dedicated action plan for the protection and conservation of marine turtles.

    Source: TH