Mugger Crocodiles


    In News

    • Water trains hold the key to survival of 350 mugger crocodiles in Jawai dam of Rajasthan as water levels are down to three feet.

    Muggers or marsh crocodiles  

    • Scientific Name: Crocodylus palustris
    • Muggers measure six to 13 feet on average and live for 70-80 years. 

    Image Courtesy: WII

    • Geographic Range: 
      • They found all over south Asia — India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh — as well as south-eastern Iran.
      • The mugger is found in 15 Indian states, with the largest populations in the middle Ganges (Bihar-Jharkhand) and Chambal (Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Rajasthan) basins.
    • Habitat:
      • It is most commonly found in freshwater environments such as rivers, lakes, hill streams, and village ponds. 
      • This crocodile does not migrate seasonally, inhabiting the same locale in wet seasons or dry seasons. 
    • Major Threats:
      • Habitat loss due to expansion of agriculture and industry, 
      • getting trapped in fishing nets, 
      • poaching of their eggs and 
      • illegal trade in their skin and meat.
    • Conservation Status:
      • CITES: Appendix I 
      • IUCN Red List: Vulnerable
    • Conservation Projects:
      • Mugger Project At Ramatirtha
      • Kakra Crocodile Trail: It is going on in Terai Eastern Forest Division at Khatima, Uttarakhand. 
      • The Indian Crocodile Conservation Project was launched in 1975 in different states in the country. 

    Other crocodiles species in India

    • Saltwater or Estuarine Crocodile 
      • Scientific Name: Crocodylus porosus.
      • Habitat: Blackish and freshwater regions of eastern India, Southeast Asia and northern Australia.
      • Protection Status
        • IUCN Red List: Least Concern
        • Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972: Schedule I
    • Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus)
      • It is also known as the gavial or the fish-eating crocodile.
      • It is the longest among all living crocodilians.
      • Conservation Status:  
        • IUCN Red List: Critically Endangered 
        • Wildlife Protection Act, 1972: Schedule I: 
        • CITES: Appendix I 

    Source: DTE