Majuli River Island


    In News

    • Majuli Island is affected by soil erosion, coupled with changing climatic conditions and thereby affecting the agriculture and livelihood of the inhabitants.
      • The Brahmaputra has devoured half of the island over the last six decades. 

    Majuli River Island


    • Majuli means ‘the land between two parallel rivers’.
    • Majuli is the world’s largest river island according to Guinness World Record & situated on the Brahmaputra River in Assam. It sprawls over an extensive area of 352 sq km. 
    • It is formed by the Brahmaputra River in the south and the Kherkutia Xuti joined by the Subansiri River in the north.

    Island is formed from floods: 

    • As mentioned in historical texts and folklore, the island was formed after frequent earthquakes between 1661–1696 that set the stage for a catastrophic flood in 1750.

    Mixed tribal ethnicity:

    • People from different tribal groups like Mising, Deoris, Ahoms and Sonowal Kacharis reside on the island.
    • Ali Aye Ligang festival: This spring festival is celebrated by the Mishing tribe during mid-February.
    • Majuli Island is the most ancient site of Assamese neo-Vaishnavite monastery or first Satra. Its roots can be traced back to the 15th century and, in fact, there are around 22 Satras on this river island.

    Source: Researchgate

    Source: DTE