Bengal Floricans


    In News 

    • The Bustard Specialist Group (BSG) of the International Union for Conservation of Nature wrote to the Assam government on the urgent need to prevent land-use changes at Kokilabari Seed Farm in the state to protect Bengal floricans and other species. 

    About The Bengal Florican 

    • Scientific Name: 
      • Houbaropsis bengalensis
    • Habitat: 
      • The species is found in very small numbers only in India and Cambodia
      • About a hundred of them are present in Nepal and the species is extinct in Bangladesh.
    • It is an iconic species of topmost conservation priority and it exhibits transboundary movements.
    • It has a very small, rapidly declining population largely as a result of the widespread loss of its grassland habitat. 
    • Threat
      • Its migration exposes it to threats such as land-use changes, collision with power transmission line at the boundary area of India-Nepal and probable power-line collisions.
    • Conservation Status : 
      • IUCN status: Critically Endangered.
      • Listed under Schedule I of the Wildlife Protection Act of India, 1972
      • Inclusion of the species in Appendix I of CMS will aid in transboundary conservation efforts facilitated by International conservation bodies and existing international laws and agreements.

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    Source: DTE