In News
- According to a United Nations report, Afghanistan’s opium production crossed the 6,000-ton mark for the fifth straight year.
Key Findings
- Output grew 8% this year and incentives for cultivation have risen as prices have picked up amid soaring poverty and food insecurity.
- Accounting for some 87% of the global production, despite a two-decade effort by the US to deter illegal production of the drug in the country.
- Income from opiates in Afghanistan amounted to some $1.8-$2.7 billion in 2021.
- This trend is undermining efforts to stop the war-torn nation from being the hub of the global drug trade.
Afghanistan and Opium
- Largest producer: Afghanistan is the world’s largest opium producer, accounting for some 87% of the global production, despite a $9 billion, two-decade effort by the US to deter illegal production of the drug in the country.
- Economy dependent on opium: The crop also makes up the largest share of illegal activity in the country where the economy has been long dependent on foreign aid and opium sales.
- Income from opiates in Afghanistan amounted to some $1.8-$2.7 billion in 2021
- However, much larger sums are accrued along illicit drug supply chains outside Afghanistan.
Global Scenario
- The supply source for this huge underground economy is now concentrated in three areas:
- Afghanistan,
- South-East Asia (mostly Myanmar) and
- Latin America (Mexico and Colombia).
- Together, they supply nearly all the world’s illicit opium and heroin, but Afghanistan stands out among this group, accounting for around 90% of global illicit opium production in recent years.
Impact on India
- Rising health costs:
- Among illicit narcotics, opiates are also the most costly in terms of treatment, medical care and, arguably, drug-related violence.
- In addition, heroin is the drug most associated with injection, which brings about a host of acute and chronic health problems, including the transmission of blood-borne diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C.
- 45% of Heroin in India originates from Afghanistan.
- Stability and security:
- Beyond its health impact, the illicit opiate industry also has a detrimental effect on stability and security in a number of places, including through the funding it provides for insurgents in production areas, particularly in Afghanistan.
- Terrorist angle:
- There is ‘deep concern about links between illicit drug production, trafficking and involvement of terrorist groups, criminals and transnational organized crime.’
Reasons Behind the Drug Menace in India
- Misguided Youth and Peer Pressure psychology
- Lack of awareness about socio-legal and health consequences
- Proximity with Golden Crescent and Golden Triangle:
- Golden Triangle: It includes the regions of Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand.
- It is Southeast Asia’s main opium-producing region and one of the oldest narcotics supply routes to Europe and North America.
- Golden Crescent: It includes Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan.
- It is a principal global site for opium production and distribution.
- Golden Triangle: It includes the regions of Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand.
Steps Taken by Government to Curb the problem
- International Cooperation:
- India has signed 26 bilateral pacts, 15 MoUs and 2 agreements on security cooperation with different countries.
- They all will cooperate and work for combating the illicit trafficking of narcotics, drugs and psychotropic substances, besides chemical precursors.
- Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB):
- It coordinated with various international organisations for sharing information and intelligence to combat transnational drug trafficking.
- They included the
- SAARC Drug Offences Monitoring Desk;
- Colombo Plan;
- ASEAN Senior Officials on Drug Matters (ASOD);
- Bay of Bengal Initiative For Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Co-operation (BIMSTEC);
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and
- the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB).
- Narco Coordination Centre (NCORD) Mechanism:
- Aim: To coordinate among various Central and State agencies for effective drug law enforcement.
- Set up by the MHA in 2016.
- This NCORD system has been restructured into a four-tier scheme up to the district level on July 29, 2019, for better coordination.
- Launch of e-portal ‘SIMS’ (Seizure Information Management System) in 2019:
- Purpose: For digitisation of pan-India drug seizure data
- Launched by the MHA for all the drug law enforcement agencies under the mandate of Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS).
- Multi-Agency Approach:
- Besides the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, the following are also empowered under the NDPS Act for making drug seizures:
- the Border Security Force,
- Sashastra Seema Bal,
- Indian Coast Guard,
- Railway Protection Force and
- the National Investigation Agency.
- In order to strengthen surveillance along the border for preventing cross-border drug smuggling, the forces were using the latest gadgets and equipment.
- Besides the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, the following are also empowered under the NDPS Act for making drug seizures:
Way Ahead
- International cooperation: Foster international cooperation for fighting the enduring problem of drug trafficking. The development of international accountability mechanisms and best practices would greatly increase interception capacity.
- Global Monitoring: Enhance expert access to the dark web in order to take down online markets and platforms. Implement real-time data monitoring systems for promptly detecting and addressing drug market changes.
- People-centred Approach: Implement an integrated, people-centred and human-rights based approach to empowering African societies to develop sustainable solutions to drug use.
- Public-private Partnerships: Improve government response to drug trafficking on the internet by forging public/private partnerships with internet service providers, tech companies, shipping and mailing companies.
- Awareness-Raising and Communication: Use fact-based information to raise awareness of the potential harm from non-medical use of cannabis. Need to close the gap between perception and reality by educating young people and safeguarding public health.
Know about Opium
Image Courtesy: Opium |
Source: IE
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