Exercise ‘Sea Vigil-22’


    In News

    • The third edition of ‘Sea Vigil-22’ is all set to commence on the eastern seaboard as part of the nation-wide coastal defence exercise from November 15.

    About Exercise ‘Sea Vigil-22’

    • It was conceptualised in 2018 to validate various measures that have been instituted towards enhancing maritime security since the 26/11 Mumbai attack.
    • The exercise is being conducted by the Indian Navy in coordination with the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) and the Ministries entrusted with the task of maritime activities.
      • This exercise is a build-up towards the major Theatre Level Readiness Operational Exercise (TROPEX), which is conducted by the Indian Navy every two years.
    • This exercise will be undertaken along the 7,516 km coastline of the country, covering the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of India. 
    • Relevance : Sea Vigil and TROPEX together will cover the entire spectrum of maritime security challenges.
      • Sea Vigil provides the opportunity at the apex level to assess the preparedness in the domain of maritime security and coastal defence.
      •  The Sea Vigil-22 will provide a realistic assessment of strengths and weaknesses to strengthen maritime and national security further.
