Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar 2021 – 2022


    In News 

    • Recently, the Minister of State for Education virtually launched Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar (SVP) 2021 – 2022. 

    About Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar

    • It has been instituted by the Ministry of Education to recognize, inspire and celebrate excellence in sanitation and hygiene practice in schools. 
      • It was first instituted in 2016-17.
    • The purpose of the SVP is to honour schools that have undertaken significant steps towards fulfilling the mandate of the Swachh Vidyalaya Campaign. 
    • The SVP 2021-22 is open to all categories of schools. i.e. Government, Government aided and Private schools in both rural and urban areas. 
    • Assessment 
      • The schools will be assessed through an online portal & mobile app in 6 sub-categories: 
        • Water, Sanitation, Hand Washing with soap, Operation and Maintenance, Behaviour Change and Capacity Building and the newly added category on COVID-19 Preparedness and Response.
    •  Schools shall be awarded at the District, State and National level based on an internationally recognized five-star rating system. 
