Twin Engine Deck Based Fighter (TEDBF)


    In Context

    • According to officials from the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), the Twin Engine Deck Based Fighter (TEDBF) could be inducted into the Navy by 2031-32. 

    About TEDBF 

    • Background :  In January 2020, DRDO demonstrated successful arrested landing of Naval LCA on INS Vikramaditya and subsequently, 18 take-offs and landings were conducted in five days. 
      • The TEDBF is being taken up from the experience of the Naval LCA.
    • It is envisaged as a twin-engine medium weight fighter with an all-up weight of 26 tonnes and wing folding.
    • It is a replacement for the Mig-29K fighters in service and should be inducted with the Navy by 2031-32.
