Gaganyaan Mission


    In News

    • India’s maiden space mission, Gaganyaan, will be launched in 2023: Union Minister of Atomic Energy and Space.

    Gaganyaan Mission

    • Aim: 
      • Gaganyaan is an Indian crewed orbital spacecraft that is intended to send 3 astronauts to space for a minimum of seven days by 2022 (delayed due to COVID-19).
    • Launched by: 
      • ISRO’s Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle GSLV Mk III (3 stages heavy-lift vehicle)
    • Components:
      • Consists of a service module and a crew module, collectively known as an Orbital Module (Crew Module carries astronauts & Service Modules carries propellants.)

    • LEO:
      • It will circle Earth at a low-earth-orbit at an altitude of 300-400 km from the earth for 5-7 days.
    • Vyom Mitra:
      • ISRO to send humanoid Vyommitra in unmanned Gaganyaan spacecraft ahead of human spaceflight (Monitoring module parameters).


    • Establish India as the World leader in Manned missions (USA, China and Russia)
    • Enhancement of science and technology levels in the country.
    • A national project involving several institutes, academia and industry.
    • Improvement of industrial growth (IN-SPACe to ↑ Pvt. participation).
    • Inspiring youth.
    • Development of technology for social benefits.
    • Improving international collaboration. 


    • Financial Cost: 10,000 crores, critics questions about this over poor & undernourished.
    • Technological Know-how: Rocket, Crew Escape Mechanism, Radiation exposure, Transitioning of one gravity field to another (cause osteoporosis) & simulating Earth-like conditions.
    • Health Issues: Like Behavioral issues, depression, fatigue, sleep disorder.

    Other Major Space Projects

    • Venus mission: This will be the first mission to Venus by the ISRO.
    • L-1 Aditya solar: India’s first scientific expedition to study the Sun
    • Chandrayaan-3: It is a lander-and rover-specific mission, a follow-up of the Chandrayaan-2 mission.

    Source: IE