Javan Gibbon



    Indonesian officials and researchers are working to preserve a small pocket of forest on the heavily populated island of Java as the habitat of the Javan gibbon.


    • Javan Gibbon is also known as the silvery gibbon and the primate is unique to central and western Java, where it plays a role in regenerating forest vegetation by dispersing seeds.
    • They have a fluffy appearance because of their very dense and long silvery-grey fur. 
    • They have very long forelimbs, long fingers and shorter thumbs which make them great brachiators (use their arms to swing between branches).
    • Diet: Javan Gibbons are omnivores and eat fruits, some leaves and sometimes nectar and grubs.
    • In the wild: They live in family groups made up of a male and female and up to three juvenile offspring. Like other gibbons the territory is maintained by patrols, physical conflict and loud calling.
    • Conservation Status : Conservation International estimates there are around 4,000 Javan gibbons left. They are listed as endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species.

