ISRO’s RISAT-2 Satellite


    In News

    • ISRO’s RISAT-2 satellite has made an uncontrolled re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere in the Indian Ocean near Jakarta. 

    About ISRO’s RISAT-2 satellite

    • Background
      • RISAT-2 was launched by the PSLV-C12 launch vehicle in 2009. 
      • The initial designed life of the satellite was four years.
    • Functions
      • It was a radar-imaging satellite that was India’s first “eye in the sky” to keep surveillance on the country’s borders as part of anti-infiltration and anti-terrorist operations.
      • It possessed day-night as well as all weather monitoring capability.
    • Need?
      • Risat-2 was built at an accelerated pace following the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks due to delay with the indigenously developed C-band for Risat-1 satellite.

    Source: TH