

    In News

    • Recently, The National Human Rights Commission has asked the Deputy Commissioner of Arunachal Pradesh’s Changlang district to submit its Action Taken Report (ATR) on a complaint alleging harassment and false prosecution of some Chakma villagers.

    About Chakmas

    • Tribal group: Chakmas are one of the major tribes of Tripura.
      • Chakmas are known to be a tribe of South-East Asia.
      • They have first migrated to Arakan Hill of Myanmar and then Chittagong Hill tracts of Tripura.
      • A major part of them however migrated to Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh in course of time from their original home land.
    • Among Chakma there are 3 major groups: Anokia, Tandugia, and Mangla.
    • Language: Linguistically Chakma language is mixed with some words of the Indo-Aryan language, Tibeto-Chinese and mainly Arakan language.
    • Issue faced
      • Buddhists by faith, the Chakmas faced religious persecution in East Pakistan along with the Hajongs, who were Hindus.

    Source: TH