In News
India wins the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Vice Presidency and Strategic Management Board (SMB) Chair for the 2023-25 term.
About IEC
- The IEC is a global, not-for-profit membership organization that brings together more than 170 countries and coordinates the work of 20 000 experts globally
- It is an international standard-setting body that publishes international Standards for all electrical, electronic, and related technologies.
- Standardization Management Board (SMB) is an apex governance body of the IEC responsible for technical policy matters.
- Mission:
- It aims to achieve worldwide use of IEC International Standards and Conformity Assessment Systems to ensure the safety, efficiency, reliability, and interoperability of electrical, electronic and information technologies,
- It aims to enhance international trade, facilitate broad electricity access and enable a more sustainable world.
Source: PIB
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