Headlines of the Day 26-04-2024

    HeadlineSourceSyllabusKey points to know
    Dongria KondhsThe Hindu (Page 4)Society(GSI)– Learn facts related to Dongria Kondh 
    Illegal sand mining: five T.N. Collectors appear before EDThe Hindu (Page 5)
    Environment(GSIII)– What is Sand Mining?
    – Factors Contributing to Illegal Sand Mining
    – Consequences 
    – Initiatives to Prevent Sand Mining 
    Questioning the polls ‘rain washes out play’ momentsThe Hindu (Page 8)

    Governance (GSII)

    – Know about Election Process in India
    – What is the importance of voting in a parliamentary democracy?
    – Issues  
    – various electoral reforms
    – Way ahead 
    The war on Gaza and America’s paradoxical roleThe Hindu (Page 8)IR (GSII)– Know about Israel Palestine Conflict  
    – Timeline, 
    – History
    – Recent Developments 
    – Impacts 
    – Role of US 
    – And future outlook 
    Can green credits benefit India’s forests?The Hindu (Page 9)Environment (GSIII)– What is a Green Credit Programm?
    – Purpose
    – And present Status 
    The challenges of reporting on climate changeThe Hindu (Page 9)

    Environment (GSIII)– Know about Climate change and associated Issues
    – Causes, 
    – Impacts & 
    – Mitigation
    – What more needs to be done?
    RBI’s draft rules for payment aggregators
    The Hindu (Page 10)Economy(GSIII)– What are RBI’s draft rules for payment aggregators?
    – Features and 
    – Objectives 
    2G spectrum verdictThe Hindu (Page 10)Polity and Governance (GSII)
    – What is the 2G spectrum scam?
    – What is the Centre’s plea?
    – What is the significance of the new telecom law?
    SC declines petition to end Collegium, revive NJACThe Hindu (Page 12)Polity and Governance (GSII)– Know about Collegium System:
    – Evolution of Collegium System
    – Arguments Favouring the Collegium System
    – Arguments Against the Collegium System
    – Way Forward
    Skin lightening creams laden with mercury take a toll on the kidneyThe Hindu (Page 20)
    Health(GSII)– Know about nephrotic syndrome
    – Its causes 
    Rising incidence of IBD cases across the globe is a cause for concern, say expertsThe Hindu (Page 20)

    Health(GSII)– wHAT IS Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)?
    Intellectual property: India features yet again on U.S.’ ‘priority watch list’The Hindu (Page 20)

    S&T (GSIII)– What are Issues Related to Intellectual Property Rights?
    – Findings of USTR’s Special 301 Report
    – India’s stance
    All the ways a hotter planet makes us sickerThe Indian Express (Page 10)Environment (GSIII)– Know about drivers of climate change
    – What  are the consequences of climate change?
    – Ways to handle them .
    SC verdict on childcare leaveThe Indian Express (Page 10)Polity and Governance (GSII)– How SC verdict on childcare leave opens up possibilities for women?
    Rise of new japan The Indian Express (Page 14)

    IR (GSII)– What is the change that Japan is undergoing?
    – What are the implications of this ‘new’ Japan? 
    – How has India reacted to this change in Japanese policy?
    Indian Historical Records Commission (IHRC)PIB
    Miscellaneous – Learn facts related to Indian Historical Records Commission (IHRC)