Indian Express


    Indian Express


    Pg No 


    Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

    GS 2



    Fertility rate falls to below replacement level, signals population is stabilising


    (Polity and Governance)


    Key takeaways of the latest National Family Health Survey (NFHS), issues and its comparison with the earlier survey, and what measures need to be adopted to address the issues? 

    GS 2


    Cabinet begins process, clears Bill, to take up on ‘priority’ in House




    Know about the process of repealing the three contentious farm laws against which farmers have been protesting for a year, about three Farm Laws?, Reason for Enacting the Laws, Reasons Behind Farmers Protest, key analysis and way forward 

    GS 3


    12 &


    Crypto on Govt table, top global investors put in $500 million this year


    Tread with caution 

    Regulating Cryptocurrency 

    (Cyber Security)

    Know about the Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Digital Currency Bill, 2021, objectives and need, How are cryptocurrencies regulated in countries around the world? How would a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) work? what is the issue of defining and regulating cryptocurrencies? what are the monetary, fiscal challenges of cryptocurrency, lawmakers stance on the legality of cryptocurrencies?

    GS 2


    Pakistan to allow India to send wheat to Afghanistan: Imran Khan



    What are the implications of Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan announcement to allow India to send a humanitarian shipment of 50,000 metric tonnes of wheat to neighbouring Afghanistan through its territory after finalisation of the transit modalities? its relevence for India.

    GS 2/3


    Germany announces €1.2 bn to help India fight climate change




    What is the signifinace of Germany announcing new commitments worth more than €1.2 billion, or Rs 10,025 crore, to India to support its fight against climate change,why Indiaand Germany suffer more extreme events due to climate change?The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) findings in this context , what are commitments of India and Germany At COP26


    GS 2



    Payments due, Chhattisgarh out of PMAY-G


    (Welfare Schemes)


    Why the Centre has withdrawn Chhattisgarh from the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin with immediate effect? know about Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin, PMAY-G beneficiaries and its achievements.

    GS 3


    The farm needs the factory 




    The recent announcement by Prime Minister Narendra Modi withdrawing the farm bills, what are Three Farm Laws?, Reasons Behind Farmers Protest, The problem of low agricultural productivity in India , what lies ahead? 

    GS 2


    Save her childhood 

    (Social Issues)

    Child Marriage, Reason for Increased Child Marriages during Lockdowns, General Causes for Child Marriages, Impact, Government Initiatives to Prevent Child Marriages.

    GS 2


    A waiver for humanity 


    Relevance of upcoming the 12th Ministerial Conference of WTO, The role of associated intellectual property, in the context of the pandemic, implementation of the TRIPs waiver in favour of developing and least developed countries.

    GS 3


    Ramming into an asteroid to save the planet -if needed 


    Double Asteroid Redirection Test, or DART, Aim of the Mission.

    GS 3


    Equalisation levy: India, US go for a transitional approach


    Significance of signing a pact for the transition from equalisation levy, why India and the US  agree  for a transitional approach on equalisation levy or digital tax on e-commerce supplies beginning April 1