NEXT IAS conducts an exclusive course known as “Interview Guidance” under the guidance of Mr. B. Singh (Ex. IES) CMD, MADE EASY Group and a panel of experts as soon as the result of CSE Mains Examination is declared. NEXT IAS also conducts “Interview Guidance” for Indian Forest Services (IFoS) simultaneously.
Once you have cleared the UPSC CSE Preliminary and the Main Examination, the third and the final stage is the “Personality Test”, also commonly referred to as the Interview. The questions that are asked in the interview are on matters of General Sciences, latest issues and might ask for personal opinion on specific topics
The Interview Guidance board comprises highly competent and unbiased members, reputed subject matter and psychological experts headed by a Chairman, to assess the personnel suitability of the candidate for a career in public services. The interview intends to judge the mental caliber of a candidate encompassing not only the intellectual capabilities but also the social traits and interest in current affairs. Some of the majorly judged qualities are mental alertness, critical powers of assimilation, clear and logical exposition, balance of judgement, variety and depth of interests, ability for social cohesion, leadership and intellectual and moral integrity.
The programme emphasizes on inculcating all the necessary qualities that are needed as a Civil Servant. Our panel members help to find out the weaknesses and psychological setbacks of the aspirants. Various dedicated sessions are conducted to ensure the best possible preparation in all aspects of the examination. At the end of the sessions, 1-2 Mock Interviews are conducted. We also offer the facility of accessing video coverage of the Mock Interviews so that aspirants can assess and understand their weakness and work on it before the actual interview.
Classroom Sessions
Session 01
- Brief discussion on profile of all the Board Members of UPSC
- In-depth analysis of various services, cadre policies and service preferences.
Session 02
- Approach to analyze Detailed Application form (DAF) Ways to answers questions on areas of interests, educational achievements, gaps in studies, resignation from previous job, etc.
- Approach for situation & opinion based questions and questions on leadership, society issues, etc.
Session 03
- Discussion on highlights and important issues of Budget and Economic Survey and ways to answer opinion based questions related to Budget & Economic Survey.
SESSION 04 - 06
- Major current events of National & International importance and ways to answer opinion based questions.
- Discussion on various Government policies, welfare schemes, science and technology, environment and climate chang, social issue, administrative policies and various economic aspects of the country etc.
- Demographical social, political, economic, historical, industrial & industrial perspective of your home stats. Questions pertain to art and cutlture, dynasty and kingdom, forts and monuments, Govt. policies and their social implication.
SESSION 8 - 10
- Lectures covering basic concepts and areas of application and previous asked questions of engineering subjects of CE, ME, EE, EC, and CS/IT.
- Separate sessions for each stream supplemented by a concise interview guidance material with basic definitions, principles, applications & latest developments.
One to One DAF Discussion
- Discussion on strengths, weaknesses, prizes, scholarships, areas of interest, extra-curricular activities, service preferences, gap in study, optional subject selection, etc.
- Discussion on engineering related aspects from DAF for engineering optional / engineering background candidates.
- Retired renowned Civil Servants, personality and HR experts, psychologists and senior subject matter experts.
- 5 members interview panel as per UPSC standards. For Engineering Graduates, an expert from respective technical background will be present for better preparation and experience.
- Each Mock Interview will be video recorded and recording of the same will be provided to the candidates for self analysis.
Interview Oriented Study Material
- Interview Guidebook : Compilation of important questions asked in UPSC interviews
- Home States
- Hobbies
- Engineering Streams : CE, ME, EE, CS, IT and EC
Interview Guidance
- All the sessions will be in recorded mode.