Discovery of  Semi-Dirac Fermion

Syllabus: GS3/ Science and technology


  • Physicists have theorized the existence of a unique particle called the semi-Dirac fermion.


  • The semi-Dirac fermion is a quasiparticle that behaves differently depending on its direction of travel—massless in one direction but possessing mass when moving the other way.
    • It was discovered in zirconium silicon sulfide, a crystalline material.
  • This phenomenon occurs when the particle derives its energy from its motion, making it almost pure energy traveling at the speed of light.
What is a Quasiparticle?
– A quasiparticle is a concept used to describe how a group of particles interact in a system. 
– Quasiparticles are not actual particles, but rather a way to model the collective behavior of particles as if they were a single particle.
– One type of quasiparticle is called a semi-Dirac fermion.

Types of Particles

  • Elementary Particles: These are the smallest, most basic particles. For example, quarks, leptons, and gauge bosons.
  • Composite Particles: Made up of elementary particles. The most famous examples are protons and neutrons (made of quarks).

Fundamentals of Particles

  • Particles are broadly classified as;
    • Fermions: These particles make up matter and have half-integer spins (e.g., electrons, protons, and neutrons). 
    • Bosons: These particles mediate fundamental forces between matter, such as photons for electromagnetic force and gluons for the strong force. Bosons have integer spins.

Source: TH