Indian Express

Indian Express


Pg No 


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 2


India-Saudi ties promise shared growth, security, stability, says Jaishankar


New paradigm: FTAs, multilateral exposure limited to supply chains, governance


(International Relations)


What is the importance of strategic economic ties between India and Saudi Arabia? And recent developments .


Know about the United States-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF),how it affects India’s interest and future prospects .

GS 2 


How an IPS officer used soft policing to crack down on illegal hooch distilleries in Solapur



What is Operation Parivartan?


GS 2



Supreme Court to take up CAA challenge: where does the case stand?

(Polity and Governance)

Know about Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 ,the legal challenge,The Government’s stand  and What happens next


GS 3


Curbs on India’ rice exports 


What are the restrictions that have been put on rice exports?How much would all this impact the country’s overall rice exports?How important is India to the global rice trade?

GS 3


When ED seizes cash ,attaches property-what happens after 

(Money Laundering) 

How are seizures made?What does ED do with the seized cash and gold?What happens after seizure or attachment?

GS 2


Tokyo Delhi compact 

(International Relations)

What are the outcomes of India-Japan 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue? And know about India-Japan ties .

GS 3


Giving Wanderlust Its Due


Know about tourism potential of India,challenges ,governments initiatives and what lies ahead 

GS 2


Friends and Neighbour)

(International Relations)

What are the outcomes of India-Bangladesh recent meet and status of their ties .

GS 3


‘RBI should intervene only to curb volatility, let rupee depreciate’


Know about RBI’s role in fighting inflation and supporting the recovery and  Is there a need to revise the future monetary policy framework ?

GS 2




Ukraine push for more russian held areas

(International Relations)

Why is Ukraine’s Izium victory against Russia significant?

GS 3


SFIO arrests ‘mastermind’ who set up shell companies linked to China



What are shell companies ? and Know about the Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) .

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