Indian Express


    Indian Express


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    Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

    GS 2


    Govt clears all 9 names sent by Collegium for Supreme Court, now one vacancy

    (Polity and Governance)

    Please learn about collegium and judicial appointment procedure. What is the total number of sanctioned strength of SC judges? Who can change it?

    GS 2


    Four-year undergraduate programme from next year as Delhi University clears NEP implementation


    Explained: A look at Delhi University’s Four-Year Undergraduate Programme, to be implemented from next year


    What are the provisions of the New Education Policy with respect to higher education? What will be the benefits and challenges of a four year undergraduate programme? 

    How will it be unfurled and what was the end of the previous attempt to introduce such a course at DU?

    GS 3


    Vaccination for children: NTAGI Covid panel begins talks, may submit recommendations in 15 days


    What is the role of National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) and National Expert Group on Vaccine Administration for Covid-19 (NEGVEC) in the vaccination program?

    GS 2


    How ideologies of national parties are domesticated by Northeast India’s grassroots politics

    (Polity and Governance)

    Please learn the violent clashes of Meghalaya and Assam-Mizoram border clashes. Why does the North East remain unstable? What is the ideological change being observed in the place’s politics?

    GS 2


    Safety first


    What are the changes in the geopolitics and subsequent decision of G7 regarding rise of Taliban?

    GS 2


    What happens to India’s ‘plurilateralism’ after Taliban takeover of Afghanistan


    How under the changing Geopolitical trends, India is facing contradicting pressures? What is plurilateralism and how it has been the core ethos of Indian diplomacy?

    GS 3


    The dangers of India’s palm oil push

    (Economy & Environment)

    How can incentivising palm oil cultivation have negative implications on farmer incomes, health, and food security in the long run along with ecological impacts?

    GS 3


    Don’t chase the mirage of iron-fortified rice


    How is diversification of diet and improvement of environment is key to addressing India’s problem of anaemia? Why is the author apprehensive about the fortification program?

    GS 2


    An Expert Explains: Why is China building missile silos?


    Why is China building missile silos? What are the threats to India and the USA from these silos?

    GS 2


    Explained: How fair is Haryana’s right to fair compensation Bill for landowners and tenants


    What are the implications of The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Haryana Amendment), Bill, 2021? Why is it being criticised?

    GS 3


    e-Shram portal: A database for unorganised sector workers


    Learn about e-Shram portal? What is the purpose of this portal? Who has launched it? Is it only for the unorganised sector?

    GS 3 


    RBI extends scope of tokenisation


    What is Tokenisation? What has been included in the new regulation regarding tokenisation?

    GS 3


    PM Narendra Modi: Encouraging a circular economy


    What is Circular Economy? What is the contribution of the Automobile Sector in boosting exports from India?