Indian Express


    Indian Express


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    Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

    GS 3


    GS 2





    Ethanol blending target reached :nation environment gain :PM




    Black Money Act order against Anil Ambani: offshore assets Rs 800 crore

    (Polity and Governance)

    What is India’s target of Ethanol blending ?and latest developments and What is ethanol blending ?and why can it be beneficial for India?


    What are provisions  of the 2015 Black Money Act (BMA)?and its relevance. 

    GS 3


    Developed nations should take lead in checking


    Learn facts related to World Environment Day


    GS 3


    Taming inflation 


    What Is Inflation? How Does Inflation Work? Can India rein in the raging inflation? What are the effects of Inflation?How to keep inflation under control ?what policy action is needed and way ahead 

    GS 2


    The Petropolitics churn 

    (International Relations)

    How has the Ukrainian conflict triggered a radical churn in petroleum geopolitics?What are the multiple forces bearing on the petroleum market?issues/challenges and way ahead .

    GS 2


    An aid in time 

    (International Relations)


    What are findings of the New WHO report on assistive technology for disabled people ?What are Issues Related to Persons with Disability?efforts taken in this direction and what more needs to be done ? 

    GS 3


    What 46-km flight in Gujarat could mean for future of drone delivery


    Why kidney rackets thrive


    How a ‘gait test’ helped establish identity of accused in Mumbai rape-murder

    (Science and Technology )

    What is ‘VertiplaneX3’ ? and relevance 


    How common are kidney transplantation rackets, and how do they perform?What does the law say?Why do rackets target kidneys?What causes kidney failure?What can be done to address the demand?


    What is gait analysis?So what exactly do gait analysts do?


    GS 1


    Finials on Jama Masjid,other structures

    (Art and Culture)

    Learn facts related to Mughal-era finials
