Headlines of the Day 27-04-2024

    HeadlineSourceSyllabusKey points to know
    SC backs EVMs, rules out revival of paper ballots
    Trust in machines
    On EVMs, Supreme Court has punctured opposition
    The Hindu (Page 1)

    The Hindu (Page 8)
    The Indian Express (Page 10)
    Polity and Governance (GSII)

    – What is an Electronic Voting Machine?
    – Features
    – Benefits
    – Concerns
    – Supreme Court’s recent observations 
    Sounding the gavel on curative jurisdiction

    The Hindu (Page 8)
    Polity and Governance (GSII)

    – What are Special Powers of the Supreme Court of India?
    – Know about Curative Jurisdiction of SC
    – Guidelines 
    – Cases Related
    – Key analysis and way ahead 
    Study says solar radiation available for producing power falling in IndiaThe Hindu (Page 12)

    Environment (GSIII)

    – What is Need of solar energy?
    – Potential of India
    – Issues and concerns 
    – Steps 
    – What more needs to be done ?
    Germany lets India buy small arms from its firmsThe Hindu (Page 12)

    IR (GSII)– Know about the status of India-Germany relations
    – Latest developments 
    India, others chide EU, U.K. on steel-safeguard extensionThe Hindu 
    IR (GSII)

    – Why did India, China and Russia, along with five other World Trade Organization (WTO) members, criticize the European Union’s decision to extend its existing safeguard measure on certain steel products beyond June 30?
    – Repercussions of the move 
    Corals bred in a zoo have joined Europe’s largest reefThe Indian Express Environment (GSIII)– What are Coral Reefs
    – Condition for Formation,
    – Types, and Importance
    – Threats 
    SLU, ‘matchbox’ that feeds EVM candidate infoThe Indian Express (Page 14)Polity and Governance (GSII)
    – What is a Symbol Loading Unit (SLU) and 
    – How does it work?
    – What has the SC said about the SLUs?
    ISRO used satellite remote-sensing to analyse glacial lakes in HimalayasThe Indian Express (Page 14)Geography(GSI)/S&T (GSIII)– How are glacial lakes formed?
    – Types
    – Recent analysis of ISRO 
    RBI sets draft norms for web aggregators of loan productsThe Indian Express (Page 15)

    Economy(GSIII)– What are draft guidelines for the regulatory framework for the aggregation of loan products?
    – Objectives and need 
    India-South Korea Consultations On Disarmament And Non-Proliferation Held In Seoul Air 

    IR(GSII)– Know about India-South Korea relations 
    – Latest developmentsÂ