Headlines of the Day 16-04-2024

    HeadlineSourceSyllabusKey points to know
    India to get above-normal monsoon rainfall: IMDThe Hindu(Page 1)Geography (GSI)– What are the factors that affect the Indian summer monsoon?
    – Recently, IMD said that India will get above-normal monsoon rainfall. What will be its significance?
    New data law, a barrier to journalistic free speechThe Hindu(Page 6)Polity and Governance (GSII)
    – What are the key provisions of the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023?
    – Is this Act a barrier to journalistic free speech?
    India’s Arctic imperativeThe Hindu(Page 7)Geography (GSI) / IR (GSII) / Environment (GSIII)– Why is India’s interest in the Arctic region growing?
    – Its significance
    Aviation sector and the global COâ‚‚ emissions The Hindu(Page 7)Economy / Environment (GSIII)– What share of global COâ‚‚ emissions come from aviation?
    – What steps are required for COâ‚‚ emissions reduction?
    Siachen: 40 years of Op MeghdootThe Hindu((Page 8)Defence (GSIII)– What is Op Meghdoot?
    – Its significance
    Hydrocarbon extraction The Hindu((Page 9)
    Geography (GI) / S&T (GSIII)– How are hydrocarbons extracted from under the ground?
    – What role do hydrocarbons play in India’s economy?
    Parkinson diseaseThe Hindu((Page 18)S&T (GSIII)– Parkinson disease: Its causes, symptoms and treatment
    Scientists grasp at straws to save corals from fishThe Hindu(Page18)Environment (GSIII)– What are corals? Its significance
    – What are the threats to corals? Steps taken for its mitigation
    Iran-Israel conflict: Escalation could cast shadow on India’s oil trade
    Why Benjamin Netanyahu will have to respond to Iran missile attack
    Indian Express(Page 9)

    Indian Express(Page 10)
    IR (GSII) / Economy (GSIII)

    IR (GSII)
    – What are the reasons behind the Iran-Israel conflict?
    – Its likely impact on India
    Why religion must only be for adultsIndian Express(Page 11)Society (GSI)– Is labeling a child’s religion at birth a retrogressive and dangerous practice?
    – What is the way forward?
    The strategic importance of Andaman and Nicobar IslandsIndian Express(Page 13)GSI (Geography) / IR (GSII)– What is the strategic importance of Andaman and Nicobar Islands to India?
    – Key facts related to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
    Swiss women win landmark climate change case: Why is it significant?Indian Express(Page 13)Environment (GSIII)
    – European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) climate change case: What is it?
    – Its likely impact
    Exercise DUSTLIKPIBDefence (GSIII)– What are the key facts related to the Exercise DUSTLIK?
    India, France Assess Counter Terrorism Challenges, Including Use Of New & Emerging Technologies By TerroristsAIRIR (GSII)– Why is France important to India?
    – Key areas of cooperation between the two nations