Nobel Prize in Physics, Chemistry & Medicine

- The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden has recently announced the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun, in Physics to John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey E. Hinton and in Chemistry to David Baker, Demis Hassabis, and John Jumper.
Enlist Nobel prize winners for 2024 in Physics,Chemistry & Medicine?
- The Nobel Prize 2024 announcements are being made from October 7 to 14, celebrating exceptional achievements across various fields.
Stream | Winner | Contribution |
Chemistry |
Physics |
Physiology/Medicine |
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Literature |
- The Nobel prize for Peace and Economics will be announced later on 11th and 14th October respectively.
What is the history of the Nobel prize?
- The Nobel Prize was set up when businessman and entrepreneur Alfred Nobel died and left the majority of his fortune to the establishment of prizes in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace.
- Alfred Nobel was an inventor, entrepreneur, scientist and businessman who also wrote poetry and drama.
- His varied interests are reflected in the Nobel Prizes which he laid the foundation for in 1895 in his last will and testament.
- His will stated that the prizes should be awarded to “those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind.”
- The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901 and they have been awarded annually since then.
- There have been years in that time when the Nobel Prizes have not been awarded - mostly during World War I (1914–1918) and II (1939–1945).
What is the history of the Nobel prize?

- The Nobel Prize is awarded for outstanding efforts in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Economics, and Peace.
- As per the will of Alfred Nobel the Nobel Prize categories are physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace.
- In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden’s central bank) established the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.
- The Swedish Academy gives the prize for literature, the Karolinska Institute for Physiology or Medicine, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for Physics, Chemistry, and Economics.
- The Nobel Peace Prize has been given out by the Oslo-based Norwegian Nobel Committee.
- The prize money for the awards comes from a will made by Alfred Nobel, a Swedish scientist who founded the award.
How many people can share the same Nobel Prize?
- A Nobel Prize can be shared by up to three individuals, or in the case of the peace prize, it can also be awarded to an organization.
- The rule that a prize can only be awarded to three people comes from the statutes of the Nobel Foundation, which is responsible for fulfilling the intentions of Nobel’s will.
- It specifically states that in no case may a prize amount be divided between more than three persons.
Can a Nobel prize be awarded posthumously?
- No, a Nobel Prize cannot be awarded posthumously.
- However, since 1974, if the recipient dies after the prize has been announced they can still be awarded it.
- Previously, a person could be awarded a prize posthumously if they had already been nominated before 1 February of the same year.
- Following the 2011 announcement of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, it was discovered that one of the medicine laureates, Ralph Steinman, had passed away three days earlier.
- The Board of the Nobel Foundation examined the statutes, and came to the conclusion that Ralph Steinman should continue to remain a Nobel Prize laureate, as the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet had announced the 2011 Nobel Prize laureates in physiology or medicine without knowing of his death.
Who selects the Nobel Prize laureates?
- In his last will and testament, Alfred Nobel specifically designated the institutions responsible for the prizes he wished to be established.
- The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is responsible for the Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry
- Karolinska Institutet (now The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet) is responsible for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
- The Swedish Academy is responsible for the Nobel Prize in Literature
- A committee of five persons to be elected by the Norwegian Parliament (Storting) for selecting the candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize.
- The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel was instituted in 1968, on the tercentenary of the bank and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences was given the task of selecting the economic sciences laureates.

What does the Nobel Prize consist of?
- The awardee of the Nobel Prize is conferred with three things- a medal, a diploma and award money.
- The Nobel Prize insignia are made of 24 karat gold plated with green gold.
- They are about 65 millimeters in diameter and weigh about 175 grams.
- The medals are awarded to the laureates at a ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden, on December 10, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death.
- The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901 and carried a cash award of SEK 150,782, equivalent to SEK 8.8 million in 2022, which was roughly $900,000. The 2023 Nobel Prizes were worth SEK 11 million, which is about the same amount as 1901, adjusted for inflation.
Enlist the first Nobel prize winners?

How are Nobel Laureates selected?

- A nomination for the Nobel Prize may be submitted by any person who meets the nominating criteria.
- The nominees' names and other information about the nominations cannot be revealed until 50 years later.
Procedure | Analysis |
Who can nominate? |
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Process of selection |
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What are the criteria for becoming a nominator?
- Only people who fulfill the criteria set out by the prize awarding institutions are allowed to nominate candidates for the Nobel Prize.
Criteria for Nominator | Description |
Physics |
The right to submit proposals for the award of a Nobel Prize in Physics shall, by statute, be enjoyed by:
Chemistry |
The right to submit proposals for the award of a Nobel Prize in Chemistry shall, by statute, be enjoyed by:
Medicine |
The right to submit proposals for the award of a Nobel Prize in Medicine shall, by statute, be enjoyed by:
Literature |
The right to submit proposals for the award of a Nobel Prize in Literature shall, by statute, be enjoyed by:
Peace |
According to the statutes of the Nobel Foundation, a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize is considered valid if it is submitted by a person who falls within one of the following categories:
Economics |
The right to submit proposals for the award of a Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel shall, by statute, be enjoyed by:
Enlist the Nobel prize winners from India?

Rabindranath Tagore
- Rabindranath Tagore was conferred with the Nobel Prize in the category of literacy in 1913 for his profoundly sensitive, fresh and beautiful verse.
- Often called Bard of Bengal and Gurudev, Tagore is one of India’s most dignified figures.
- Rabindranath Tagore was the first Indian to be awarded the Nobel Prize.
CV Raman
- Sir Chandrashekhar Venkata Raman or CV Raman is recognised for the Nobel Prize in 1930 in the field of Physics for his work on the scattering of light and for the discovery of the effect named after him.
- His discovery is also referred to as the “Raman Effect”.
- Dr.Har Govind Khurana:
- Dr. Har Govind Khurana was awarded the Nobel Prize in the field of Physiology or Medicine in 1968 along with Marshall W. Nirenberg and Robert W. Holley for their interpretation of the genetic code and its function in protein synthesis.
- His research work related to the synthesis of functional genes outside the living organism.
Mother Teresa
- Mother Teresa was the first Indian woman to be conferred with the Nobel Prize in the category of Peace in 1979.
- She was born in the Republic of Macedonia.
- At the age of 19, she moved to India and spent the rest of her life in India as a Roman Catholic nun and as a missionary serving the “poorest of the poor” in slums in the city.
- Her humanitarian work led to the establishment of Missionaries of Charity.
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
- Subrahmanyam Chandrasekhar was awarded the Nobel Prize in the field of Physics in 1983 for his theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars.
- He is an Indo-American mathematician.
Amartya Sen
- Amartya Sen was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1998 in the field of Economic Sciences for his contributions to welfare economics.
- He was born in Manikganj (British India).
- He studied economics and taught the subject in many reputed institutions in both the US and the United Kingdom.
- Venkatraman Ramakrishnan:
- Venkatraman Ramakrishnan was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2009 in the field of Chemistry for his work in studies of the structure and function of the ribosome.
- The Nobel Prize is given by the Royal Swedish Academy of Services.
Kailash Satyarthi
- Kailash Satyarthi was born in Madhya Pradesh and was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2014 in the field of Peace for his struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education.
- He is an activist who has dedicated his whole life to children’s rights and education.
Enlist a few controversies surrounding the Nobel prize?
The Nobel Prize has been involved in several controversies, including:
Controversies | Analysis |
Lack of diversity |
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Political bias |
Premature understanding of peace |
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Controversial winners |
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Jocelyn Bell Burnell |
Adolph Hitler |
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The European Union, Nobel Peace Prize:2012 |
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Mahatma Gandhi (by omission) |
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1994 Nobel peace prize |
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What is the relevance of the topic for UPSC CSE?
For Prelims: Nobel Prize, Computational Protein Design, Machine Learning with Artificial Neural Networks,
For Mains: Discovery of microRNA and its role in posttranscriptional gene regulation.
Some Previous Years Prelims Questions
Q1. Who among the following discovered heavy water? (2008)
(a) Heinrich Hertz
(b) H.C. Urey
(c) G. Mendel
(d) Joseph Priestley
Some Questions from This Year and Previous Years Interview Transcripts
Board Preeti Sudan mam:
- A scientist of Indian origin won the Nobel prize for his work on ribosomes. Can you name him?
- Jennifer Daudna is a Nobel laureate. Can you tell me what has she worked on?
- Can you tell me how crispr-cas9 can help in the development of vaccines?
Board Satyawati mam:
- Why were Esther Duflo and Abhijit Banerjee awarded with the Nobel Prize?
- Is Randomised Control Trials applicable only to medical sciences and not social sciences?
Board Smita Nagaraj mam:
- Name of the person who got Nobel prize both in chemistry and physics.
Board Smita Nagaraj mam:
- Why did Einstein get the Nobel prize?
- Why not for his earlier work?
Board Satyawati mam:
- What was John Nash famous for?
- Tell me about Nash equilibrium, game theory and the Nobel prize in economics?
Some Questions for QUIZ
Q1. Consider the following Awardees:
1. David Baker
2. John Jumper
3. Victor Ambros
4. Gary Ruvkun
5. Geoffrey E. Hinton
How many of the above scientists have been awarded the Nobel prize for medicine?
(a) Only two
(b) Only three
(c) Only four
(d) All five
Some Questions for POLL
Q1. Do you think that the Nobel prize nomination process is biased?
(a) YES
(b) NO
(c) Can’t say
Q2. Do you think that not awarding the Nobel prize to Gandhi was a mistake?
(a) YES
(b) NO
(c) Can’t say