Wolbachia Method

Wolbachia Method: A Revolutionary Approach to Vector-Borne Disease Control

The Wolbachia Method is a biological method to manipulate mosquito populations and hence reduce transmission of mosquito-borne diseases such as Dengue, Zika, Chikungunya, etc.
सेंट्रल विस्टा पुनर्विकास परियोजना

सेंट्रल विस्टा पुनर्विकास परियोजना: भारत की शासन व्यवस्था और सांस्कृतिक विरासत को मजबूत बनाना

सेंट्रल विस्टा पुनर्विकास परियोजना, भारत सरकार की एक प्रस्तावित योजना है, जिसका उद्देश्य भारत के प्रशासनिक केंद्र, लुटियंस दिल्ली में स्थित सेंट्रल विस्टा कॉम्प्लेक्स का कायाकल्प करना है।
Central Vista Redevelopment Project

Central Vista Redevelopment Project: Strengthening India’s Governance and Cultural Heritage

Central Vista Redevelopment Project is a proposed project of the Government of India to revamp the Central Vista Complex - the administrative heart of India, located in Lutyens’ Delhi.
अयोध्या राम मंदिर

राम मंदिर: महत्त्वपूर्ण तथ्य, निर्माण संबंधी पहलू और अन्य विशेषताएँ

राम मंदिर, जिसे लोकप्रिय रूप में अयोध्या राम मंदिर के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, अयोध्या, उत्तर प्रदेश में स्थित एक हिंदू मंदिर है। जैसा कि नाम से ही स्पष्ट है,
Ayodhya Ram Mandir

Ram Mandir: Important Facts, Architecture, Significance & Other Aspects

Shri Ram Mandir, popularly known as Ayodhya Ram Mandir, is a Hindu temple located in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh.
UPSC Prelims preparation

Best Strategy to Crack UPSC Civil Services 2024 Preliminary Examination

The Civil Services Examination (CSE), conducted every year by the UPSC, is the gateway to India’s most prestigious jobs such as the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS) etc.
UPSC CSE GS Preparation

Crafting an Effective Strategy to Master General Studies for the UPSC CSE 2024

Gateway to India’s most prestigious jobs such as IAS, IPS, etc, the UPSC Civil Services Exam consists of three stages.
UPSC CSE Prelims Mock Test

NEXT IAS ANUBHAV: The Best Choice for All India Open Mock Test for UPSC...

The UPSC Prelims Exam, being the first stage of the UPSC Civil Services Examination, serves as the screening test.
Rock Systems of India

Rock Systems of India: A Comprehensive Overview

Learn about the geological history of India by exploring its diverse rock systems from the ancient Archaean to the modern Quaternary.
Peaks of the Himalayas 

Important Peaks of the Himalayas 

Explore the awe-inspiring peaks of the Himalayas and learn about their heights, locations, and unique features in this detailed guide.