Protected Area Network in India

Protected Area Network (PAN) in India

Protected Area Network (PAN) in India forms the cornerstone of the country’s biodiversity conservation strategies.
Carbon Accounting

Carbon Accounting: Explore about Meaning, Methods, Standards, Advantages, and Issues Involved

Learn how carbon accounting helps businesses and organizations measure, manage, and reduce their carbon emissions.

Wetlands: Functions, Threats & More

Wetlands are often referred to as the kidneys of the landscape for their ecological importance.
National Biodiversity Authority (NBA)

National Biodiversity Authority (NBA)

The National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) forms a crucial component of India’s environmental governance framework.
National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG)

National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG)

The National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) represents a significant commitment by the Government of India towards the conservation and rejuvenation of the Ganga River.
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is a vital global organisation that plays a crucial role in safeguarding the natural world.

Single-Use Plastics (SUP): Meaning, Negative Effects, Ban, Solutions

Single-use plastics are items used once and then thrown away or recycled, like plastic bags, straws, bottles, and food packaging.
Wildlife Protection Act 1972

Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 (WPA, 1972)

The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 (WPA, 1972) is one of India's most significant environmental legislation.

Mangrove Forests: Characteristics, Threats, & Solutions

Mangrove forests consist of special trees that grow in salty or brackish water along coastlines and tidal rivers, mainly in warm equatorial climates.
Groundwater Extraction

Groundwater Extraction: Reasons, Effects & Solutions

Groundwater extraction is the process of taking out water that is stored in the ground.

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